Bed and Breakfast with a Side Serving of Ghosts

537027_529702763741894_1834677226_nMy ghost hunting friends and I recently headed out for another investigative jaunt with the South Jersey Ghost Research Team. The site chosen this time was the Salem Creekside Inn in Bensalem, Pennsylvania. Armed with out protective amulets (mine was rosary beads around my neck) we arrived at the Inn to meet with the lead investigators, Dave Juliano and Marti Haines and several other ghost hunters. Last month, at an investigation of the G.A.R. Museum, we had an encounter with spirit who informed us via recorder that he was, in fact, a demon. Unnerving, to say the least, this pesky demon caused us to lose one of our members, and me to sleep with my bible for several days. Like I said before, this is not an activity to take lightly. Since the Salem Creekside Inn was much older than the museum, we had no idea what spirits would be encountered…but encounter we did. Join me on the haunt, after the jump.

creekside party roomThe Inn

Salem Creekside Inn, originally known as Neshaminy Creek Ferry House and later on the Ford Inn, was built in 1697 and is nestled right beside the Neshaminy Creek. It is said that a John Paxson, revolutionary soldier, farmer and inn keeper owned this house around the time of the Revolution War, and men like our General Washington, along with his war wary soldiers stayed there during the encampment. Today the Inn is a Bed and Breakfast known for its beautiful guest suites, its acres of manicured grounds, great food and events and of course, the ghosts.

The Ghosts

Ghosts of soldiers who were in General Washington’s army are sometimes seen about the house and on the grounds outside the house. But the ghost I was most interested in was that of Ellen, the daughter of Paxson. She can sometimes be seen near to the Neshaminy Creek. Legend has it that she searches for her child who was taken from her. Ellen had a son, but when her husband died, his mother wanted to raise the child. Ellen refused, but back then, women couldn’t own property. Children were considered property, and the husband’s family had the right to take the children from the mother upon his death. This happened to poor Ellen, whose child and his nurse were taken while she visited her father. Thank goodness, we’ve come a long way, baby.

100_2578The Investigation

While SJGR set up their equipment and while the house lights were still on, my friends and I walked through the house to get a feel of the place. At one point, we sat on the steps leading to the second floor to listen to Dave as he gave everyone reminders not to antagonize the spirits. Suddenly, the nausea hit along with the feeling that I was being watched. I turned around and looked up to the second landing.

“Do you feel it?” Jean asked. She had seen my expression when the nausea hit, and had experienced a heaviness on her chest at the same time.

100_2719“It’s there and it’s watching us,” Rita added, as a layer of cold air surrounded her. Something was there. We had all felt this presence, and we all agreed that this spirit was male. We were about to head upstairs to investigate, but that quick the ghost was gone. Who was it and where did he go? We would meet with the spirit later that night, but first, we needed to check the outside area before the lights went out. The house has a lot of ground and this one particular section dipped towards the creek. There was a large tree next to an old fashioned picnic gazebo and when we went to investigate, all three of us felt the female presence. Was it the ghost of Ellen? We don’t know for sure, but this time we were able to capture the orbs on film.

Marti, Rita & me
Marti, Rita & me

Lights Out

After all the lights were turned off in the house, we broke into groups with each group picking a room in the three storied Inn. My friends and I along with Marti and several people headed to the third floor. Marti had the recorder and was able to interact with a male spirit, the one we had felt earlier. We didn’t learn too much from the ghost except that he was under the bed and wanted to get up. Were there just too many of us in that room? I think there was and this ghost seemed shy. Yes, ghosts can be shy. Remember they carry over their personality into the spirit world. The smaller group in the next room had better contact with a ghost, who was a foot soldier from the Revolution War and very chatty.

Salem Creekside Inn roomConclusion

Thankfully, no demons appeared, and the ghosts who live at the Inn are all friendly. The Salem Creekside Inn is beautiful, outside and in, and their guest rooms and bathrooms are to die for…well…maybe “die” is not the right word to use, but this Inn is luxurious and worth spending a weekend with your special someone.

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