Trailer Time: Marvel Studios Asks Big Questions With ‘What If…?’

Marvel’s What If…? has long been a respected and fun go-to for comic readers and writers looking to explore alternate takes on significant moments in comic canon. What If…the X-Men Lost Inferno was always a personal favourite book of mine, and I’m sure every Marvel Zombie has their own. The company is currently doing an outstanding take on it with Chip Zdarsky and Pasquale Ferry’s Spider-Man: Spider’s Shadow, which posts what if Peter Parker became Venom?

With the advent of Disney+, Marvel now has a place to ask that very question in a way that won’t affect their box office grosses with the new animated series What If…? In the trailer below you’ll see a lot of familiar faces and hear a lot of familiar voices, as the series includes many MCU actors in voicing their onscreen characters.

The first episode of Marvel Studios’ What If…? debuts August 11th

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