BBP! Celebrates Batman @ 75 – A Birthday Introduction

batman 75 logoHoly fire brigade, Batman! With all those candles on your cake, you don’t look a day over twenty-three!

Or is that twenty-eight? No? Thirty-eight, surely.

Forty-five? No! Sixty-five? Eighty? What???

And therein lies the longevity of one of pop-culture’s greatest comic book heroes: Batman, Gotham City’s Dark Knight, is malleable. So much so that any kind of story can be told around the character.

Any story, any setting, and time period. It’s hard to believe he’s been around for seventy-five years!

Follow me after the jump, and let me introduce you to a Biff Bam Pop! celebration of Batman @ 75!

Over the next two weeks, the Biff Bam Pop! staff of writers, Batman-adorers, one and all, will periodically regale you with written pieces detailing their love of the character. It’s a veritable Bat-roast (of sorts).

Following the upcoming San Diego Comic Con, we’ll be shedding light on first issues experiences, the ever-changing costume of the Dark Knight, the women (heroines and femme fatales) in his life, his life on television and movie screen, favourite stories, the settings and props that make up the backdrop in which Batman operates, all those wonderful toys, members of his rogues gallery, and the universes that carry various Bat-men!

It’s a crazy time!

Who would have thought that, seventy-five years ago, when a young Bob Kane and Bill Finger, drew up the crime-avenging, cowl and cape wearing hero, that he’d last for so long and be so entrenched in the pop culture mindset across the globe?

Seventy-five years is merely a blip. Batman is just getting started – and the next two weeks will only set the stage for the Dark Knight’s bright future to come!

So blow out the birthday candles with us! It’s Batman @ 75!


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