31 Days of Horror 2023: Gilbert Speaks on ‘The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon S01 E05’

There are so many flashbacks in this episode of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon that we finally find out how Daryl landed in France and why he is in a hurry to get back home.

Deux Amours

Two loves, that is what tonight’s episode is all about. Daryl (Norman Reedus) is trying to make his way back to the Commonwealth when his motorbike runs out of fuel. A man offers him a ride to a body shop where Daryl can get fuel if he captures walkers…walkers that are definitely tied in with the strange experiments taking place in Paris. While at the body shop, Daryl is able to contact the Commonwealth and Carol (Melissa McBride) who tells Daryl that someone came back? Who? We don’t know because they are cut off…but Carol makes it plain that she wants Daryl to come home immediately. After a young teen who Daryl befriended is turned by some nasty men, there is a scuffle, and Daryl has to jump ship as the “Walkers of the Caribbean” take over the entire ship. So now we know two things: why France and why the need to get back to Carol.

Back in present time, we watch Daryl, Laurent (Louis Puech Scigliuzzi) and Azlon (Hassam Ghancy) travel the river heading towards the Nest, while Isabelle (Clemence Poesy) plays nice with Quinn (Adam Nagaitis). Just when you find an interesting character like Azlon, the writers kill him off, then they have Laurent cut the rope to the boat leaving him and Daryl stranded on ground and quickly captured by Genet’s men.


I am going to rant a bit about this episode, because Daryl’s love for the boy has put him in a very bad place. I have so many questions. What exactly are Laurent’s superpowers that Genet, Isabelle and Quinn are willing to kill for? I want to see some reason to explain why this kid is so important. Why did Isabelle feel it necessary to stay with Quinn? Why is Genet (Ann Charrier) making Mad Max walkers?

Okay, I am done with my rant, but I will say this…having the series filmed in France is the best thing that the TWD universe did. I think we needed to see how the rest of the world dealt with the apocalypse. The French still have their secret cabarets and art, but they are just as clueless as the people in America when it comes to wiping out walkers. What the hell is happening back at the Commonwealth that our Ninja Warrior, Carol, could not handle? That is a bit scary…Carol calling for help.

Laurent better have some freaking awesome superpowers in this series or I am going to be extremely disappointed.  

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