From the House of Ideas: ‘X-Men #25’ Sets the Fall of X on the Right Track

Boy, did I love reading X-Men #25 this past week!

If you’re a regular reader of From the House of Ideas, you know I was really not loving the lead-up and execution of the recent Fall of X, which brought the mutant nation of Krakoa crashing down thanks to the machination of the terrorist group, Orchis. I won’t rehash the reasons I found myself unsatisfied with the storyline, you can reread my previous columns.

What I will say is that the latest issue of X-Men picks up following the events of the Hellfire Gala, focusing on Kitty Pryde, probably my favourite X-Men of all time. Written by Gerry Duggan and illustrated by Stefano Caselli, we watch as Kitty comes to grips with the mutants massacre that has occurred and see her take on a new/old identity as Shadowkat (apparently a ‘k’ replacing a ‘c’ makes all the difference.)

In a world where there are only ever really minute character developments, Duggan and Caselli deliver a significant path forward to Kitty Pryde, highlighting the influence and teachings of two of her most notable mentors, Ogun and Wolverine. This leads to some fairly brutal moments towards the end of the issue that established a new status quo for the character.

Kitty’s development isn’t the only story happening in X-Men #25, as the newly revealed mutant Ms. Marvel also has some significant story beats that connect her to the larger team as well.

Overall, I thought X-Men #25 was a significant and strong issue that actually has me excited to see what comes next in the book and the comic line. It’s been a spell since I felt that way, so kudos to the creative team for getting me back.

THE FALL. She’s been known as Kitty, Sprite, Ariel, Red Queen and Captain Kate. Now, as a new X-Men team finds their way through their darkest hour…SHADOWKAT emerges!

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