Dispatches from Momocon – Day One: Andy and Anya Arrive in Atlanta

Hello from Hot ‘Lanta!

That’s where Anya and I are currently, as we gear up for Momocon, happening this weekend at the Georgia World Congress Centre.

Andy: How would you describe Momocon to readers?

Anya: It’s a con for anime fans and cartoon fans. It has vendors and guests and videos games!

Andy: You and I have gone to a lot of cons, but this is the first time we’ve travelled for one. What’s the big deal about going to Momocon this year?

Anya: My favourite voice actor, Zeno Robinson, is going to be there, along with the creators of two of my favourite shows, Dana Terrace (The Owl House), and Matt Braly (Amphibia). Plus, Sarah-Nicole Robles and Cissy Jones from The Owl House will also be there. It’s going to be awesome!

Andy: You’ve always said you wanted to meet Zeno Robinson. How come you like him so much?

Anya: Because he plays Hunter in The Owl House, who is my favourite character, and Hawks in My Hero Academia, who is another of my favourites. He’s the reason I’ve started thinking about becoming a voice actor.

Andy: So we’ve got lots of people you want to meet. What else are we going to do while we’re at Momocon?

Anya: I want to go through Artist’s Alley and find cool art about things I’m interested in, like V-tubers. I want to do cosplay meet-ups with fellow Owl House fans. There are panels on voice acting, cartoons, and anime that you want to go to. And I want to visit my favourite vendor, The Mystery Shack.

We’ve arrived at the Westin Peachtree, where we’ve already been treated like gold by Justin at the front desk. Now, we’ll walk around downtown, pick up our passes for the weekend, and see what we can find to eat. Look for more adventures from Anya and Andy in Atlanta from Momocon in the days ahead.

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