Figure Friday: I Want to Be Like Santa’s Elves

My name is Josh Wallen and I love toys.

I don’t run up and tell strangers this when I first meet them. It’s usually something people laugh at and don’t understand, but it’s my thing and it makes me happy. Some people spend hours watching sports or playing video games. Other people spend thousands of dollars on fashion or beauty care products. All of those things bring people joy but rarely do those people feel insecure about sharing their passion with others. Toys, on the other hand, seem to be one of those go-to interests that people point to and say: there comes a time and place to put away childish things.

I’ve decided that at 45 years old, I’m going to take those childish things back out and find a way to make my dreams a reality. The last few years, life has thrown me some curveballs and I’ve been forced to adapt. Through that journey of adaptation, I’ve come to the realization that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to as long as you’re willing to put the work in.

Four years ago, I was diagnosed with diabetes and put on medication. I changed my diet, started working out, dropped 100 pounds and got off the medication. Three years ago, I couldn’t say I was a writer. Some would say I’m still not, but I’ve been putting out a bi-weekly column for the past few years and I’ve got a body of work to prove them otherwise. A year ago, I couldn’t shoot photos in manual mode so I challenged myself to shoot a picture a day and post it to Instagram. I’ve now shot more than 365 pictures this year (including the one featured in this story) and will wrap up 2023 with a portfolio of growth and potential.

I know what I’m capable of and the only thing standing between myself and my goals are time. I’m slightly pissed that it took me 45 years to come to this realization, but that’s another column entirely. Today, I’m challenging myself to release a line of toys within the next five years. By the time I’m 50, I want to be able to say I’m in the toy industry. I’m calling my shot and holding myself accountable by putting it out into the universe with this column.

I have a day job. I’m not burning the boats on the shores of this new land by any means, but I would like to have some more control over my future should the day job ever take a turn. I love art and 3D printing and have been saying for years that the toy industry has never been more within reach for a small independent like myself. It’s time to find out whether that’s true. I’d love to have a career in toys and I don’t get that by sitting around simply talking about the things I love. It’s time to start making things for others to love.

My plan is to create and launch a brand-new intellectual property. I’ve got an idea in mind and I plan on doing everything from character design, story and world building to creating a line of figures and accessories. I never took an hour of art class in high school and have never worked in graphic design, but art has been calling me for some time now and I really want to get into 3D modelling. This is my excuse to teach myself.

When I was a kid, I started creating my own IP, but like most everything else I’ve ever attempted, I never saw it through. I’m finally ready to tackle a challenge like this with a good game plan and a willingness to put in the work to make my vision a reality. My entire life has been centered around collecting figures. I know what I would be looking for as a consumer and want to deliver the same type of positive experience I have when I buy a product I love.

I don’t know how successful I’ll be, but if I don’t make an attempt, I’ll never forgive myself. Some people would say I’ve wasted years of my life playing with toys. I’d like to think I’ve been getting hands on experience with something that I love enough to make it my life. I’ve observed the industry and think I’ve got some good ideas. Why can’t I bring those ideas to the world and let them tell me if they’re good or not? If I don’t try, I’ll never know the answer. I’ll keep you posted along the way here on Biff Bam Pop! I hope you’ll follow me on this next chapter of my life. We can find out together whether or not I really know what I’m talking about. I’m ready to bet on myself. Let’s forking go!

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