31 Days Of Horror 2020 Presents The Week in Horror: Scare Me, Hellstrom, Waxwork Records

Happy Monday, fiends! We’re just over halfway to Halloween and I was on vacation this past week and tried to pack in as many horror movies as I could. Unfortunately, I did not have the extra cash to rent Jim Cummings’ new film, The Wolf of Snow Hollow, which is currently streaming on Amazon for $14.99.

I did catch up on Scare Me on Shudder, which was both entertaining and underwhelming at the same time. I loved the characters, it was well directed, but um, Chris Redd would have been far better utilized if he was cast as a third writer, instead of the pizza guy, and been in a lot more of the film, because he is hilarious. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, Scare Me is about a failed writer and a famous writer stuck in a cabin together during a power outage in the dead of winter, telling each other scary stories. No, this is not an anthology film (it should have been), rather the two writers act out their stories, using the space. This is pretty good at first, because stars Josh Rueben (writer and director, as well) and Aya Cash are very likable and fun to watch, but for me the film ultimately doesn’t land, mostly because I just didn’t like the ending. I’d still recommend it, there’s enough to love to justify it, but I just wish the horror had been more explicit, because they definitely nailed the comedy.

I haven’t had time to check it out yet, but the last of the old MCU on TV shows, Hellstrom debuted on Hulu. Between movies and The Haunting of Bly Manor, I probably won’t get to it until next week at least, but I do think the trailer looks pretty good. A friend, though, said it just made him want to go rewatch Legion again and that it was just all right. I’ll have a mini-review in an upcoming Week in Horror. For those unfamiliar, Hellstrom is from the 1970s Marvel superhero/supernatural title Hellstrom; The Son of Satan and he’s appeared along side Ghost Rider and Dr Strange.

In cool collectible news, Waxwork Records have released two “Spinature” figures, four inch busts that ride on the middle of your records as they play, of the Frankenstein monster and The Bride, based on the Universal designs of Boris Karloff and Elsa Lanchaster. I don’t really understand the point of these, other than the fact they just look super cool. As a major Frankenstein fan and collector, I’d love to add them both to my Frankenstein shelf. They’re also releasing the beautiful soundtrack for The Bride of Frankenstein by Franz Waxman in a gorgeous B&W double gatefold cover in January, but pre-orders are open now.

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