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Holiday Gift Guide 2017: Gift Certificates


The store doors are open, your window is closing, and you’ve got no idea what gift to get that friend or loved one this Christmas!

What to do?

No worries… every year, it’s the same thing. We leave that last, hard or forgotten, gift idea to the very end. And before you know it, you have to be at Christmas Eve dinner within the hour!

Well, let’s get to it then—and there’s really only one thing for it:

Gift cards!

No, they’re not the cop out some might have you believe. In fact, they are a super thoughtful gift aimed straight at the fancy of the loved one you’re giving the gift card to! With it, their imagination could take flight!

Follow us through the aisles of your local shop and store, online and otherwise, for some of the best gift cards you could ever give this holiday season!

The Drug Store

Everybody visits the drug store at some point in the year. Whether you’re sick and in need of cold medication, or you’re looking for some baby food and diapers deep in the night, or you’re looking for a pick-me-up chocolate bar like Coffee Crisp, the local drug store is you’re quick answer to any need. And that’s why a gift card here is perfect for that friend or loved one. They’re going to use it!

Pro Tip: The local drug store often sells gift cards to a whole bunch of other establishments. It’s like having a gift card depot within walking/driving distance of your house. It makes it easy to pick up a specifically themed card for that special someone!

The Shopping Mall

One card to rule them all! The shopping mall near your house has the perfect gift card for you to give! Available in multiple quantities, your favourite (but hard-to-find-a-gift-for) recipient can use one card at any of the stores inside the mall! How’s that for supreme choice?!

Home Depot

I’m certain that someone you know is either buying a home or renovating a home or making adjustments to the backyard of their home. So, a gift card at the Home Depot, or a similar home-specialty store, makes for a perfect gift! Remember: it doesn’t have to necessarily be a gift card for a homeowner! Perhaps that friend of yours works in the trades. Maybe they need a new socket wrench for work – something that you’d otherwise never know. How sweet would it be for your gift to go towards something they need to earn a living?

Very sweet, that’s how sweet.

Starbucks & Coffee

Do you know someone that can’t get up in the morning without a cup of coffee? Or maybe you’ve got a cousin in university, who you know brings their laptop to the local café to work on that essay? Better yet, maybe you’re looking for a gift for a writer or hipster artist? If so, the local café, Starbucks, etc.) is where they hang out. A gift card from one of these stores is the perfect enabler for chit-chat, Grade A’s and creativity! And that’s the kind of gift that always hits the mark!

Your Local Comic Book Shop

We’d be remiss to not mention the local comic book shop. Not only can you get a gift card from them, which supports the local institution, but there’s certain to be a pop culture fan in your life that could totally use the extra money to spend on that favourite omnibus that they didn’t get for Christmas ‘cos it was too expensive. Give them a hand—you’ll be thanked!


We’re saving the easiest for last: an Amazon gift card is perfect for just about anybody as the company has more than just books to sell. From vacuum cleaners to ink pens to wi-fi speakers to, well, books and comic books, if you’re looking for something, you can find it on Amazon.

Best of all? From the comfort of your phone, tablet or computer, you can email the gift card to your friend or loved one! How’s that for saving time!

Well, that’s it for our gift guide pieces. You can find our 2017 achieve featuring books, comic books, movies, music and whole host of other items right here.

All of us here at Biff Bam Pop! wish you and your family all the best over the holiday season…and a wonderful and heroic 2018 full of all the best in pop culture love!

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